A chinked Log Shell Ready For DisassemblyAerial View
******DAY 1*****
Now beginning to load the Trucks with the Sub-Floor Log Floor Joist
Getting down to the last few logsCutting in the Power PointsFinished loading the last logs Arrived at site
*****DAY 2*****
First thing to do is lay the ant capping and timber packer for the logs to be loaded ontoDrilling for the hurricane rods and power points for wiringFirst round of log work down ready for the rest of the logs to be stacked and the crane driver having a relax!!A few more logs loaded nowThe Log beam being placed to support the upper story floor joist notice the square tenon notch
*****DAY 3*****
Now the Log sub-floor is in place The Veranda beam goes into place as well as the veranda postsLoaded and braced the King & Queen Posts ready for the Ridge & Purlin Logs
*****DAY 4*****
Now we prepare to cut out all the Windows and DoorsAll the Windows And Doors are cut out ready for the window sills to be cut levelCutting the window sills level and then sanding them smoothCutting the angle on the doors and windowsSanding the angles Some finished photos of the roof systemAnother angle showing the King & Queen Post roof systemSome of the feature scare logs we used one on the veranda post the other post supporting the upper sub-floorAnd finished now ready to go home to start the next project